Monday, February 20, 2012

Confucius said

¤ tseh ¤

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From: "Mark S. Chatterton" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 05:59:16 +0800
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient>
Subject: Confucius said

Confucius said: "In the eating of coarse rice and the drinking of water, the using of one's elbow for a pillow, joy is to be found." How so? Isn't there more joy in an elaborate meal, some good wine and a soft pillow? More pleasure and comfort, certainly, but not necessarily joy.
The simple and quiet things are more conducive to joy. Why? Because instead of absorbing all your attention, they allow you to sense something that is usually missed, due to sensory overload and excessive thinking. And what is that? A background sense of aliveness, of presence, of being. That's joy, and also true happiness. It's always there, but most people are not aware of it. Unaware of that background within, they look to the foreground, to externals, for their happiness.
And then life becomes really frustrating.... Be well, be at peace, be happy.


 With love, Eckhart.

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